Truck and Girl

Friday, August 11, 2006

Flying colours.

I had an appointment booked at the DMV in San Francisco for today at 10. I got there at 9.45, and there were already loads of people. No fear! Appointments actually do come in handy.

I was able to keep my Australian license (there was rumour of having to surrender it), had a not-too-bad photo taken, then wandered along the red carpet to the written test lady. She was actually remarkably chipper and polite, quite the exception to the normal demeanour of government office person rule.

Question 1:

It is illegal for a person of 21 years of age or older to drive with a blood alcohol limit (BAC) that is ____ or higher.

Gack! Couldn't quite remember. So, it's OK to drive with *some* BAC... I'll just go with the Australian rule.

There were a few reverse-the-road-in-your-brain questions about who goes first and right of way and stuff, and out of 36 questions I only got 2 wrong. (You can get up to 6 wrong.)

So, for posterity and future reference:

If there is a deep puddle in the road ahead, you should apparently steer your vehicle around the water, if possible. You shouldn't shift into neutral as you drive through the water (duh!), or maintain the posted speed to make it through the water. (But if it's wet, why would you want to be swerving all over the place? Who cares if you get a little water in your distributor??)

Also, when you see a crosswalk sign (the one with a figure holding someone else's arm), you should be prepared to stop if there are children in the crosswalk, not just always stop. Good to know it doesn't matter if there are blind people or the elderly trying to cross the road. (I picked the "nice", "safe", "not axe murderer" answer there.)

My study proved beneficial. There was a question about what to do if you see a blind person crossing a crosswalk. Here was I thinking that I lean on my horn and shout at them out the window, but luckily, I found out you need to pull up to the crosswalk so they can hear where you are.


(PS - Finally received the effing title. About 10 minutes after I got home from the effing DMV. I'll have to go back first thing Monday morning to register the car, otherwise they'll start charging me. Just got insurance on the internet too. So, won't be damn long until the plan finally comes together.)

Posted by george at 4:56 PM


Blogger george said...

No, of course not. But when I do, you'll be the first person I tell.

9:31 AM  

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My Flickr Buddy IconMy name is George. I bought a Bronco II on EBay. It's red and all greek to me.

another bit of george, some rights reserved.