Truck and Girl

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Wow. Haven't been here for a while. Thanks for all the fucking crap spam shit, guys! I don't need it though because I have MEGADICK.

I'd been noticing that my steering was particularly soupy for the last few weeks, especially trying to turn at slow speed. I was worried there might be something wrong with the whole steering column/axle shit.

Turns out all it needed was a little air in the tires.

So easy!

By the way, am considering co-opting the Snatch blog to turn it into vitriolic-spew-blog, like the good old days.

Posted by george at 8:43 PM | 0 comments

About Me

My Flickr Buddy IconMy name is George. I bought a Bronco II on EBay. It's red and all greek to me.

another bit of george, some rights reserved.